Signs with health inspection grading coming to Detroit restaurants

A food safety program designed to protect consumers and assist restaurant owners boost their business was approved today by the #Detroit City Council.

The ‘Dining With Confidence’ program will establish a color-coded placard that restaurants must display to indicate whether or not they are in compliance with their city health department inspections.

“Dining With Confidence brings transparency to the health inspection system, which in turn builds confidence with dining consumers,” said Detroit City Councilmember Scott Benson, who introduced the ordinance. “There is potential to enhance business for our restaurants because it will attract more customers who will return to restaurants that they trust.”

Under the ordinance, restaurants in compliance with their inspection by the city health department will display a green placard. Restaurants that were closed by the health department will have red placards.

The ordinance goes into effect six months after approval by Detroit City Council.

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