Homecoming football game at Ferndale & Westland high schools ends early due to multiple fights

Two separate high school homecoming football games in the Metro Detroit area ended early and with arrests after multiple altercations, according to officials.

At John Glenn High School in Westland, reports of fighting among attendees caused the game to be cut short. The crowd size prompted the involvement of multiple neighboring police departments to assist Westland PD in managing the situation, according to officials.

No students sustained serious injuries, but several arrests were made.

Meanwhile, at Ferndale High School, a separate incident occurred that led school officials to end their homecoming game early. In a message to parents and guardians, the Ferndale Public Schools (FPS) administration described the decision as a precautionary measure. The statement read, “There was an incident in the stadium that was quickly controlled; however, out of an abundance of caution, a decision was made to end the game early.”

Both incidents are currently under investigation.

One attendee in Ferndale wrote about the incident on social media.

“Scary situation! Nothing like trying to find your kid in the chaos and she was only feet away secs before. I’m forever grateful for the mother who shielded her and another kid until I found her. That poor lady protected my child but couldn’t find hers who was standing with my kid originally. Then looking up in the bleachers and seeing our fans ducking and laying down. Followed by both teams being instructed to “run to the furthest endzone,” she said.

At this time, officials have not confirmed if any g-ns were seen or recovered.

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