Detroit announces new plan to pay past-due water bills with $10 down payment

Detroit unveiled its new “DWSD EasyPay” plan Monday evening.

This payment plan is designed to replace the previous 10/30/50 Plan and is aimed at helping customers with past due balances, regardless of their income or customer type, to keep their water services flowing.

  • Low Initial Payment: Only $10 down payment required, regardless of the total past due balance.
  • Extended Payment Terms:
    Remaining balance spread over 36 months, added to the current monthly bill.
  • Universal Eligibility: Open to all water, sewer, and drainage customers including residents, nonprofits, faith-based institutions, and businesses, without income restrictions.
  • Protection from Shutoffs: Customers enrolled in the plan will be protected from water shutoff and there are no penalties or interest.

“We learned from other major cities that a $10 down payment and 36-month repayment term can be more effective. We want our customers to maintain their water service while ensuring they can pay for the services rendered,” said #Detroit DWSD Director Brown

Enrollment and Payment Details:

  • Customers can enroll in the EasyPay plan by calling 313-267-8000 and saying “Easy Pay” or through the DWSD Customer Self-Service Portal.

For more information and to sign up, visit

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