Metro Detroit News

Detroit high school graduation rate increases for the third year in a row

The Michigan Department of Education (MDE) released high school graduation rates for the 2022-2023 school year, showing Detroit Public School Community District (DPSCD) graduating rates have increased.

The average on-time (within four years) graduation rate for the 2022-23 school year reached 74.3%, a considerable rise from 71.1% in 2021-22 and 64.5% in 2020-21.

“The 74% graduation rate is the highest in the District’s history precluding inflated graduation rates when many of the District’s neighborhood high schools were removed and placed under the Education Achievement Authority (EAA), and after dropout students were removed from the District’s graduation cohort with the transition of DPS to DPSCD,” the school said in a news release.

“One of our key performance metrics is graduation rates, and it was one of the only areas that was not improving. I am proud of our high school principals, counselors, and teachers who continued to problem-solve and engage our students to ensure they continued to make up credits to graduate in four years. I am particularly proud of our graduating seniors who pushed through the challenges of the pandemic to graduate in four years. They could have easily quit and given up on securing a high school diploma in four years. This was truly a collective effort to ensure students crossed the finish line in four years,” said Dr. Nikolai P. Vitti, Superintendent of DPSCD.

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